From the Abyss to the Apex: My HNG Internship Journey

Chioma Nwocha
4 min readOct 24, 2023


Hello there! You might have been wondering where I disappeared to recently because, indeed, I’ve been off the grid for the past 6 weeks. Let me tell you, it’s been an absolute rollercoaster ride for me. I tried my best to stay engaged and connected, but it was quite the challenge, to be honest! I embarked on an exciting journey by enrolling in the HNG internship program. Now, for those of you who may not be familiar with it, HNG is not for the faint of heart. Out of a staggering 22,000 applicants, I’m proud to announce that I’m one of the 400+ individuals who made it through to the final stage.

HNG has given me a strong sense of nostalgia, almost like going back to my boarding school days. The mentors there are a bit like the wise but occasionally mischievous seniors who look after you and keep you on your toes. There are also the classmates who stir up a ruckus everywhere they go, the quiet ones who work behind the scenes to make things happen, and those mysterious students who seem to only show up during exams and somehow manage to progress through the program without leaving a trace.

Reflecting on it now, I’ve genuinely enjoyed the experience, but while I was in the thick of it, it felt like organized chaos. I couldn’t even close my eyes properly at night due to the looming deadlines and strict criteria for each task. To be frank, I questioned my decision to join the internship every day, but they say that toxic relationships can sometimes work, and HNG certainly proved that adage.

I decided to focus on the frontend track during my time at HNG, and it consisted of 10 stages. To become a finalist, you needed to make it to stage 10. Stages 1 to 6 primarily involved individual tasks, while stage 7 and beyond required teamwork. Stage 5 still gives me chills; we had to build a Chrome extension to record screens and audio and create an online assistant that revealed details when you hovered or clicked on a webpage element. I felt lost at the start, but, by some miracle, I conquered it. The task pushed me to explore areas I never thought I’d dive into.

Working in a team isn’t a walk in the park, believe me. There’s plenty of back-and-forth, misunderstandings, and challenges along the way. But one thing remained constant — we were all on this journey together, and that’s what motivated my team.

I was part of Team Spitfire, and as the name suggests, we were indeed spitting fire and getting things done. We worked on the super admin module of the Zuriporfolio app, and I learned a lot, not only about tech but also about working with people from diverse backgrounds who share common goals. Those late-night calls with the team and mentors to ensure everything was on track before deadlines were invaluable.

Now, there’s this place called ‘Townhall,’ which is a bit like a detention center for rule breakers. I swore I’d never end up there for any reason, and I followed every rule to the letter. But fate had other plans. Stage 7 took an unexpected turn, and my team and I found ourselves there due to our inability to meet deadlines because of the project’s complexity. I spent a solid 10 days in Townhall (yes, tears in my eyes), but we eventually redeemed ourselves and completed the task.

Yesterday (22/10/23), we had a graduation ceremony, and it gave me that ‘Last Days at Forcados’ vibe, knowing that all the stress and pressure had come to an end. I’ve grown used to the tension, and not feeling it anymore makes me a bit sad. People shared their thoughts and feelings, some found love, some made connections, some found friends, and yes, there were a few amusing squabbles and dramas. At the end of the day, it was all in good fun, and we all hugged it out, patted each other on the back, and now we’re ready for the next adventure.

It’s safe to say that I traded my peace and sleep for this experience, but I’m proud to announce that today I’m writing to you as an HNGx finalist. A big shoutout to my amazing teammates and mentors who were there every step of the way. Some days were tough, but knowing that I had a support system made me resilient.

So, there you have it — a little rant and an update on my life. It’s good to be back, and I’m super excited sharing this journey with you! ❤️



Chioma Nwocha

Frontend Engineer passionate about crafting user-friendly web apps with HTML, CSS, JS and React.js.